Run with NPM

The npm packagepromyze-cli allows to compute best practices suggestions on a code base to detect locations where best practices are not followed. It also provides facilities to produce a report file for tools like SonarQube, or in the SARIF format (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format).


We recommend installing the promyze-cli tool globally.

npm i -g promyze-cli 


There is one mandatory parameter to set:

  • PROMYZE_API_KEY: A valid user API Key to connect to your Packmind instance.

We recommend setting these values as environment variables, but you can also pass them as command-line arguments.

You can also use the dotenv package:

npm install dotenv dotenv-cli

Then, create a .env.promyze file and set these two values (add it to your .gitignore to not share sensitive data):


Then add a script in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "promyze-cli": "dotenv -e .env.promyze promyze-cli scan ."

And you can finally run it as:

npm run promyze-cli

Run a scan in standalone mode

Outside a npm script, run the following command to ensure everything works fine:

promyze-cli scan .
//or npm run promyze-cli if you've followed above instructions

If yes, you can check the section below to configure the code analysis.

Generate coding practices with AI



Usage: promyze-cli scan [options] [sources]

Scan the comma-separated list of files/directories to detect negative examples of best practices

  -e, --exclude <value>          Comma-separated list of patterns to exclude files that contain one of them (ex: "Listener"). These are only string patterns, not regular expressions. (default: "dist/,node_modules,.min.,.map.,.git/") 
  -ext, --extensions <severity>  Comma-separated list of extensions to exclusively include, ex: ".js,.ts" (default: "")
  -m, --mode <mode>              Execution mode:
                                  * "all" : scan all the codebase
                                  * "onlyChanged": Should only scan edited files on SCM (only Git is supported): (default: "all")
  -g, --grouped <grouped>        For the "console" formatter, group the result by files or practices: ["files", "practices"] (default: "files")
  -f, --formatters <formatters>  Comma-separated list of formatters: ["console", "sonarqube", "sarif"] (default: "console")
  -o, --output <outputFile>      File output when formatters do not only include "console" (default: "promyze-scan.json")
  -s, --severity <severity>      Severity of the issues in the report, such as "WARNING", "MAJOR", "BLOCKER", .... Only relevant when formatter is "sonarqube" or "sarif" (default: "MAJOR")

  -sp, --spaces <spaces>                Restrict the results to practices included into specific spaces, separated with commas. (default: "")  

  -k, --apiKey <url>             Indicate the full Packmind API Key. We recommend to use instead the PROMYZE_API_KEY environment variable. (default: "")       

  -exit, --errorIfResults <errorIfResults>  If true, will stop with an error code 1 if at least one suggestion is found (default: 'false')

  -t, --type <issueType>         Exclude file patterns, such as "CODE_SMELL", "VULNERABILITY", "BUG", ... Only relevant when formatter is "sonarqube" or "sarif" (default: "CODE_SMELL")
  -ca, --caSSL <pathToSSLCertificate>     If specified, the CLI will trust this certificate (.crt or .pem for instance; default: '')

  -ruleIdSarif, --ruleIdSarif <ruleIdSarif>      Specify what will be the ruleId property if the Sarif Report. Either "practiceId" or "practiceName" (default: 'practiceId')

For any suggestion to improve this package, feel free to submit us your suggestion, and we'd be happy to consider it:

Last updated