Skills management
Highlight your skills and share them with others
In this section, you'll learn the following:
What are the skills in Packmind
How to create and manage skills
How users can earn points on skills
What are skills in Packmind?
A skill is a domain of knowledge that can be linked to existing and new best practices you'll create with Packmind.
Each user in Packmind has a score regarding all the skills defined in your Packmind organization.
There are 3 purposes for the Skills feature in Packmind:
Highlight your main domain of knowledge and the ones you want to address in the future;
Get an overview of which users and teams have the highest score in a specific domain of knowledge so that they can be identified as experts in your organization;
Benefit from a gamification system in the app to strenghten engagement and contributions from the users.
Create new skills in Packmind
Every time you create a practice in Packmind from our IDE or Code review plugins, you can add one or more categories to organize your knowledge base.
Every time you add a new category, it can be assigned as a skill in your organization, which is disabled by default. Once it's enabled, the category is marked as a skill.
Categories can also be edited on practices once they are validated:
This will also create new potential skills, but by default, it'll also be disabled.
Another approach to creating skills happens during the score initialization; see below.
Manage skills through the dedicated dashboard
On the homepage of your space, you'll find a Domain skills card with a link See more.
Once you're on the page that shows the cartography of the skills in your space, there's a link mentioning You can enable or disable skills directly here. Click on it.
This section is only available for users with the privilege "Administrator".
You'll then see the following dashboard:
This feature was released in Feb. 2023. Skills have been generated in existing categories.
On this page, you can see all the skills of your organization:
See the current score for each category (how many times a practice with this category has been identified)
Enable or disable categories to become skills
Rename categories
Delete categories
Merge several categories into a new one
Remember this page includes all the skills of your organization, not only your space, so your changes may impact every space.
Earn points on skills
1. Initialize your 10 default points
Existing and new users can distribute 10 points to their skills in the following screen:
This screen is available for each new user when they'll get registered for the application. The existing skills in the organization are listed, and it's possible to create new ones. You can freely assign 10 points to the skills you want, especially if you think you will bring knowledge to this domain later.
If you've skipped the menu with the link Attributes skills later at the bottom, you can assign later your remaining points from the Skills page with the button Assign my skills points:
2. Earn points on each contribution
Every time you contribute to a practice with a positive or negative example, whether an existing or new practice, you'll earn a new point. Very simple.
Visualize skills for the users
Within a space
On the homepage of your space, you'll find a Domain skills card with a link See more.
You'll see the top 20 skills in terms of score within the radar graph, including all the members of your space:
With this Skills radar graph, you can easily identify users with the highest score for your main skills. In the example above, Anne leads the skill Java.
Only the enabled skills are listed in this graph. See the management section above.
Across spaces
Similarly, here's the result for observing skills of all the spaces:
Illustration with the big picture
Last updated
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