Create your best practices
What's a best practice?
A best practice is a guideline that developers should follow in your context. The topic can be various and you can address rules regarding a programming language, a framework, Architecture, Security, Performance, Clean code, or any topic you want.
You can define rules at any level, syntactic or more abstract, It's up to you.
A best practice has just a name that describes its intent and a description. It has also a list of examples. We use the concept of positive and negative examples when the source code follows or does not follow a best practice.
The documentation of your best practice comes from your users and your source code
When an example is added to a best practice, there's no link with the actual source code stored on Git, it's just a snapshot that will persist in Packmind.
Create best practice
There are 3 recommended ways to create your own best practices in Packmind:
Using our IDE plugins
Using our Web browsers plugins
Using the Web UI during a Craft Workshop
Navigate below to find those use cases: reviews pluginsIdentify best practices during a WorkshopGet new practices suggestions with Packmind Tech Coach
See how Packmind can generate new practices on your code directly in your IDE here:
Raise questions or discussion topics
You can raise questions or discussion topics from the plugins, and highlight them during a Craft Workshop.
This is useful when you're unclear or uncertain about a best practice and want to ask or show something to you team, for instance:
You'd like clarifications on a coding standard found in your code;
You've got a question on the understanding of a pattern or a piece of code;
You're convinced a best practice is not followed but can't really explicit it or name it so far, and need your team's opinions
Here is an illustration of the process of submitting a question or a discussion topic:
Supported programming languages
Packmind supports any language, since we basically fits any textual content, including Web technologies, DevOps tooling, Gherkin syntax, ...
Last updated