Add files to a Workshop
Find out how you can import source code in Packmind for a collective code review
Last updated
Find out how you can import source code in Packmind for a collective code review
Last updated
While you can contribute to Packmind using the Packmind plugins but it's also possible to import source code directly in the Workshop.
On the Home Page of your space, in the Workshop section, click on the Edit Workshop button. You can edit the name and the date of the Workshop, but these are only cosmetics details.
At the top-down, you have this section where you can either:
Add a code snippet
Upload a source code file
Remember to click on the Save button of this form to save your modifications to the workshop.
If you've added source code in the Workshop, that means that all users from your space will see these files and will be able to suggest contributions, until the Workshop is run.
If no contribution was made before the Workshop, from the UI or from the plugins, it will be still possible to create practices during a Workshop.